The Alchemists Guide To the Undercity
A performance by Flame Collective as part of the 2020 Perth Arts Festival, Australia.
Photo by Alexander Hayes | Cara Phillips introduces another element of the Alchemist Guide to the Undercity.
Oethica Group Productions acknowledges copyright as both a civil right and enduring declaration of ownership for clients, partners, and their respective cultural groups. This copyright may be assigned or enforced in the form of restrictions to the access, distribution, and download of content, including requests for time-constrained embargo or password assignment.
According to the Australian Copyright Council, the expressions which have been made as a result of participation in co-production which have taken form in this project as photographs, film, and derivative of other digital media are automatically assigned the copyright to those subjects involved. To learn more about copyright as it pertains to the restrictions of use of any /all of the Alchemists Guide to the Undercity project please refer to our Copyright Policy on this website.
Magali McDuffie and Alexander Hayes, researchers, filmmakers and Partners of Ngikalikarra Media (Hayes and McDuffie, 2020) were invited to attend an event on the 4th February 2020 titled ‘The Alchemists Guide To The Undercity’ presented by the Flame Collective (Phillips and Phillips, 2020) in Perth, Western Australia which was part of the Perth 2020 ‘Fringe World Festival’.
“... Flame Collective brings together artists to explore the undiscovered geography of human interaction, to visit places forgotten by the institutions of power and to advocate for connection in an age of dissociation and disillusionment.” (Fringe World, 2020b)
The event was billed as an opportunity for Fringe World audience members to “...explore the Undercity of Perth on a walking tour with the Alchemist - street prophet, storyteller, mad clown.” (Fringe World, 2020b)
“... Come or go as you like and for free, for a journey to the depths, and back again. You'll never view the Undercity in the same way again.” (Fringe World, 2020b)
Pro Bono - Review - A self-funded project and review that was written in gratitude for the creative works of Cara and Pete Phillips.
Oethica Group Productions uses the term ‘project’ to define business-related activities (including commercial in confidence agreements) which have a profit motive or pro-bono (derivative of the Latin term “pro bono publico”) which means ‘for the public good’, an ethical provision of services on a free or significantly reduced fee basis, with no expectation of a commercial return. In each and every project, in every case, Oethica Group Productions invests professional acumen, intellectual property, and significant amounts of time in listening to achieve the project objectives and outcomes.
Oethica Group Productions seeks or obtains consent to conduct activities such as recording film or audio for productions in three (3) main forms; Subjects, Creators, or Contributors. In this case, the ‘The Alchemists Guide To The Undercity’ was shot in a public forum and in a public context. All subjects in attendance at this event were aware that they would be filmed and the footage made public through a range of different online platforms including promotional services for the 2020 Perth Arts Festival.
In each other case, all activities which require legal consent are the sole responsibility of the producer (“Producer’), with every effort made by Oethica Group Productions to retain and supply these to the Producer in both an enduring analog or digital format. Oethica Group Productions abides by by-laws governing the privacy of an individual's inclusion in a project, seeking consent at the appropriate point of contact, production drafting, and prior to the public release or publication of content in consultation with the Producer and/or Cultural Advisor.
Each and every subject was provided with an opportunity to be involved in the co-production and final approval of the film prior to full public release. All further reproductions, distribution, and future works derivative of the original creations for the Protecting Country project are protected under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license, as described and agreed upon with each subject.
‘The Alchemists Guide To The Undercity’ | Photos by Alexander Hayes
Oethica Group Productions uses the term ‘scope’ in the context of consultation and agreements as broadly defining business-related activities in production and desired outcomes of those activities. Activities agreed upon and project managed by Oethica Group Productions in this project was focused on the production of a body of digital photography and a written review of the performance.
A key subject in that performance, Cara Phillips was invited to read and comment on the Review written by Alexander Hayes. The review contains a background to the performance works by Phillips in a geophysical context and made available for public download via the Oethica website.
It was noted throughout the performance by Cara Phillips that Cultural Attribution was made to the Noongar people of the Aboriginal Whadjuk nation on which the performance was conducted.
Attribution for photography used in written review and promotion of this project is given to Alexander Hayes, Author, and Photographer for the Alchemists Guide to the Undercity performance. Key photos for the project can be viewed at Oethica Group Productions Flickr account, also licensed as CC BY Attribution Sharealike.
Download the Review written by Alexander Hayes - PDF 4.4 Mb
Download the Press Release from the Flame Collective - PDF 46 Kb